Caring for sneakers with “Postirayka”
Buy a good remedy for dirt and moisture. Process several times new sneakers with this tool, allow them to fully absorb the protective solution and only then go out in the new sneakers to the street. Then repeat this procedure when necessary. Such a simple action will protect your feet from getting wet in rainy weather, and your sneakers from excessive contamination and continue their conscientious service.
It is necessary to clean sneakers from dirt in time. Every time after walking or jogging, put your shoes in order – wherever possible, wipe the shoes with a wet cloth, if they are very dirty – wash them under running water.
Attention to sole. The old toothbrush + soap or soda solution will help to return the bright fashionable look to the white sole of the sneakers. If the sole is very dirty, you can rub it with soda and leave it for a while, then wash off the soda and apply the soap solution.
Properly dry sneakers. Drying sports shoes at heat sources is considered dangerous. So sneakers can lose their shape, or even completely stop to fit in size. It is better to dry the sneakers in their natural environment, having previously placed in them jammed paper (preferably parchment paper), an old sock with rice or a bag of soda. Soda, besides absorbing moisture, disinfects shoes, hence this procedure should be carried out regularly, even if the sneakers were not wet through.
Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wear socks! Always, for any model of sports shoes, for any outfit. Remember that no matter how light your sneakers are, there is always a risk of sweating, which can cause calluses on the heels, as well as a deterioration of the sneakers themselves – an unpleasant smell will be absorbed strongly into the mesh surface of the sneakers and it will be almost impossible to remove it. Fortunately, today’s selection of socks will allow everyone to choose the right style, height and color.
Use deodorants for shoes. If, however, it so happened that the sneakers absorbed unpleasant odors, you can treat them with special antibacterial deodorants and ventilate in the fresh air. Such means can be used for prophylaxis, especially if you use running shoes for running.